Free Books, Calendars & Posters
Do you collect posters? Would you like to receive an exciting book in the mail? Are you going to update your wall calendar? Browse this category where you can find all this stuff for free.
Ready for an exciting educational opportunity? SeaWorld San Diego, Orlando, and San Antonio are giving away FREE 2025 Fun Cards to all qualified K-12 teachers! It's a brilliant way to bring the classroom outdoors and spark curiosity about marine life. …
Platform/Brand: SeaWorld
Get a complimentary copy of the autobiography "Good Enough" by Johan Toet for now while supplies last! Experience his profound spiritual transformation and newfound faith during imprisonment through this inspiring read, available exclusively in America with free delivery as part …
Platform/Brand: Johan Toet
A heartwarming and humorous book for young adults exploring the experiences of growing up neurodivergent, set in South-East England with a charming cast including Little Alien's supportive parents and best friend Bobby who also sports bobbed hair. The story follows …
Platform/Brand: National Book Tokens
Free Vegan Cookbooks & Meal Plans Available for January: Participate in Veganuary to receive complimentary vegan eCookbooks along with nutritional guidance and budgeting tips. Embark on a healthier lifestyle by reducing meat consumption at the start of 2025, all delivered …
Platform/Brand: Veganuary
The Open University is offering free BBC Planet Earth Posters as a celebratory gesture for the release of the third series. This visually engaging poster can serve as a helpful guide while watching the show or function as an educational …
Platform/Brand: The Open University
Complimentary Activity Kits for Young Individuals
We provide the following kits:
- The 'Get Active' Kit features a range of leaflets, stickers, and present-day campaign concepts.
- The 'Animal Experiments' Kit provides information about research involving animals.
- The 'Go Vegan' Kit …
Platform/Brand: Animal Abuse Injustice And Defence Society