Free Fitbit Inspire 3

Pink Lady has recently introduced a monthly contest titled "Experience Moments of AWE" for customers who buy their apples. The competition aims to generate moments of excitement and delight, similar to savouring a Pink Lady apple. The January 2024 prizes are as follows:
30 Fitbit Inspire 3 watches that encourage participants to embark on uplifting strolls or rejuvenating runs, effectively banishing winter lethargy and introducing a touch of vibrant pink happiness to their days.
To enter the competition, participants must submit their information and agree to the T&C by the end of January 2024. Entrants are also welcome to join the next month's contest for another chance to win prizes. The competition is open to individuals aged 18 and above, and it concludes at 17:29 on 31st January 2024.
Category: Free Electronics & Gadgets
Type: Free Stuff
Country: UK
Brand: Pink Lady